Thursday, May 8, 2008


Or if you are squeamish…

This is mainly for my parents and family, but for my friends, this can be pure entertainment!

So I went to the doctor today as a strong strong STRONG suggestion by my professor about my mosquito bites. Apparently, due to my inability to resist scratching them at 3am in the morning, the small bites (pardon the perversion) blossomed into puss flowers.

From my mass e-mail, you could have guessed these bites came from back when.

The reason for the title for those out of the look comes from the fact that my mom was dreading me going to Mo’orea in fears that I would get hurt and being the (how do I put it?) absent minded kid that I am, would make problems for myself. Sadly I think I just proved her right. (mothers…..)

I was apprehensive about going to the doctor, since I argued the wounds were slowly healing, after the lime treatment and antibiotic ointment, But apparently my professor disagreed. After a trip to the doctor and pharmacy, I managed to rack up a $200 medical bill (yay!)

*Note if you are my mom or dad, don’t worry, I have receipts and documentation so Kaiser will be reimbursing the fee, which I will have to pay to my professor who provided the money for now.

You know how in TV shows how the dad or husband freaks out after their wife or daughter buys an expensive article of clothing and justifies it since it was on sale? Well mom and dad, if I had to purchase these antibiotics in the states, I would have racked up a $800 dollar bill instead!

Yay! Go me!


chrischois said...

oh jon. do take care of yourself and come back in one piece =) and remember to abide in the Word, i'm still praying for you.

vinh said...

sooooo sorry for you. Huh, it's 2 bad. Take care of yourself. Try 2 use band-aids 2 cover the wounds, but I doubt it/they would fit the sizes. we pray 4 you. Take care and God bless.

Jonathan H said...

You almost make your mosquito bites sound beautiful with your flowery language. :P Do try to make sure the various organisms over there don't take too many pieces off you (or add too many unnecessary enhancements). It'd be nice to see you come back whole. :)