Friday, April 18, 2008

feelings about the deep blue sea....

april 18 2008

there's something about being surrounded by life, as you swim by coral after coral, admiring the fish, snails, crabs, shrimp and all of the sudden the waves start pounding as you reach the reef front. frothy waves envelope your sight of vision. then all of the sudden the water calms down, as you are underneath it and all you can see in front of you is deep blue sea. looking forward blue water with sun rays flickering and then looking below is deep dark blue. no life in sight. you cant help feeling like you're really small in such a setting. the sounds of the waves crashing earlier have been muted down and all seems quiet and tranquil, while all the same time seeming dangerous and unpredictable. your body and mind fight whether you would dare stay longer in this area or fight back to go into the safety of the reef. all the same time reminding yourself that He holds the oceans within his hand....

on updates:
some crazy flu has been going around, and is causing people to throw up. however, they seem to be back 100% by the next day.
we explored what was called a motu: islands formed by reefs that had grown above present day sea level. i had no idea how large a crown of thorns can grow! they are actually around the size of my torso (i know that's not saying much but....) also we found a huge HUGE moray eel! his head was the size of my backpack, and i almost ran into him by mistake!
we also visited a remote island called tetiaroa but it was occupied more with birds. pretty cool.

be prepared for a mass email coming up soon. a lot more things will be described in detail.


Jonathan H said...

well I didn't know you had a blog! Probably wasn't paying enough attention to facebook. hopefully you don't get sick or get attacked by too many marine things. :P

jon pham said...

yes hopefully!

estella said...

im sitting in CS50 in EEB100. -_- enough said.

hahaha, trying not to be envious. =) man, i would kill to see a picture of the giant moray. glad it didn't bite you. you should keep a tally on wounds. watch out for more jellyfish!

Daniel said...

dude, crazy stuff haha...

yeah, i've always thought the ocean is probably the most mysterious and amazing part of creation. but i'm not much of an underwater guy unfortunately

steveTu said...

dude, freakin' awesome.